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PCB Fabrication Process-How To Fabricate PCB(Full)

PCB Fabrication Process-How To Fabricate PCB(Full)
The PCB Fabrication Process is very simple but sometimes it may get complicated if you are new to it or the PCB is having multiple layers. The following are the basic steps of the PCB fabrication.

1.The Design and Layout
2.Printing the Layout
4.Drilling and Soldering Elements
5.Soldermask Applications
6.Assembling and Test

1.The Design and Layout
The very first step is to design the PCB layout in any simulator that is readily available. You have to take care of certain things while designing the PCB layout such as the width of the routes, connecting different elements, and placing vias of specific size.

2.Printing the Layout
The very next step is to print the layout over a shiny paper so that you may be able to place the paper on to the board for adhesion.

When you are done with the printing, next step is to etch the board with some chemical such as the copper sulphate. You have to place the board in the solution for at least half hour, so that the extra copper from the board is removed.

4.Drilling and Soldering Elements
When you are done with the etching process, now you can drill the board on the vias you made. Therefore, you can now install the components on to the board with the soldering iron and wire. But you are advised to check the connectivity of the circuit board before installing components over it.

Coat the entire panel with a liquid soldermask. The board is then exposed to high intensity UV light. Soldermask is applied to achieve the following: Protect copper circuitry from oxidation, damage, and corrosion.

6.Assembling and Test
Assembling Now, it is time to assemble all the electronic components onto the respective holes in the board. PCB Testing The finished boards are then sent for functional as well electrical testing to ensure optimum performance and quality.
PCB Fabrication Process-How To Fabricate PCB(Full)

PCB Fabrication Process-How To Fabricate PCB(Full)


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